You’ve been together for awhile and yet hard as you try you just can’t seem to make your relationship work? Despite everything you do when he is with you he doesn’t seem as close to you anymore, or he seems to want to be somewhere else? And you ask yourself: what have I done wrong? Relax, it may just be that you’re guilty of the things men hate about women, and you don’t even know it. Let’s face it, as there are things we women hate about men there are also quite a few things that men hate about women.

Let me point out the ones that really gets in their nerves. If you are a nagging and forceful woman, then you’re out of luck. Men simply cannot abide with women who nag at every little thing they do. Remember as a child you hated it when your parent’s nagged you for every little thing you did-well imagine how it feels now that you’re all grown up, especially the men. Nag him all day and all night and by the end of the week he just may be gone. And there is no threshold as to what they consider as nagging-you just feel it out.
Another thing that guys hate is the ever infamous fickleness of women. I’m sure you have been in this situation where you are driving out for dinner and you say this: “I think we should eat at “21” no, better yet let’s dine in Artisanal but I feel like eating some pasta, let’s go to Bottino, what about some Japanese, let’s go to Bond Street instead, you know what? Let’s eat at 21.” This goes on to the point where you miss the exit and have to do an about face, but this time through heavy traffic. Men are of one mindset and if they want something they get it.
So if they want pizza, they go to a pizza place. When they buy deodorant they just pick one, they don’t take time looking at the different types. And woe be to you if you happen to change your mind in the last minute. If you said you will go, you better be in a full body cast if you say you won’t be going-and even that won’t excuse you. And ladies, men are not dolls, they have never been dolls, and they will resent being made into dolls. If you don’t like your man’s hair or the way he dresses, don’t drag him to a salon and give him the ultimate make over.
It’s alright if he freely agrees with you but if you feel some resistance then give it a rest for now-remember don’t nag. Don’t ask the “Am I too fat” question, unless you want to hear an answer you’d rather not. Same with questions about hair, make-up, and whether your dress makes you look like a hippo or not. Most guys have no color sense, they often prefer wash and wear clothes, and as for make-up, well ladies they don’t wear any. Don’t let them wait one hour while you decide what shoes go with your dress-they may start gnawing on their limbs to get out.
And last but not the least, do not be too clingy and dependent. Men wants a relationship with a partner that he can have fun and interact sensibly with. They don’t want to have to baby sit you. For guys clinging is like socks just out of the dryer, not for you. If you’re insecure then it can just be a burden and an added irritation. So if you don’t want your man to jump off the golden gate bridge take note of the things guys hate about girls.